So true Greg.  I often have to blow on my sip and puff speakerphone ,  
Ameriphone.  It is often not close enough to do what was intended.   Tongue 
sounds so very useful as I know many of us cannot move our arm in  bed for 
very well for very well out of bed.
The cost may be exorbitant or difficult for many of us.  I know of no  
funding source for that type of equipment.
Its about time this  becomes available. Think about it, the tongue is almost 
as dexterous as a  finger. To me being able to have that level of control with 
a direct transfer,  would be so valuable. Plus its still useful even if you 
have hands
----- Original Message ----
Sent: Monday,  August 25, 2008 5:42:10 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Tongue Compter

That article in today¢s paper about that Tongue Computer is pretty  cool. 
They implant a magnet / computer chip on your tongue and on the back of  your 
teeth. Then you wear this big head gear, but they hope to miniaturize it  all 
later. But what a cool idea.

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