Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:      Hi folks,
  IGNORE that home remedy I found online & shared with y'all. [below] Sorry.
  I was telling my husband about it last night and he said "Backing SODA???" I 
said... "Yes." He said "Backing Soda is ALKALINE!!!!" Just the complete 
opposite of what would be needed or trying to achieve! It's pretty much the 
exaxt same thing as Alka-Seltzer [just withou th the fizz]. Ya know ... "Alka" 
Seltzer. Alkaline. GEEZ.   We need the opposite -- aciditic properties.
  Once again, that goes to show you that "a supposed expert" (some urologist in 
THAT article -- Kristene E. Whitmore, M.D., chief of urology and director of 
the Incontinence Center at Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia) does not know too 
much or is completely incompetent as a doctor. Or failed human physiology or 
biology 101.   Perhaps I can find her online and she has an e-mail address.
  I guess that for those of us who do not know much about the properties of a 
particular supplement or home remedy, etc. -- we have to be very, very careful 
of what is written down. And even if it is backed up by a supposed expert -- 
don't believe everything you read! 
  If a urine culture indicates that you have a UTI, your doctor will probably 
prescribe antibiotics. In addition to taking the medication, here's what you 
can do to relieve symptoms and prevent future recurrences. 
  Fix yourself a baking soda cocktail. "At the first sign of symptoms, mix half 
a teaspoon of baking soda in an eight-ounce glass of water and drink it," says 
Kristene E. Whitmore, M.D., chief of urology and director of the Incontinence 
Center at Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia. The baking soda raises the pH 
(acid-base balance) of irritating, acidic urine. This raises the PH in your 
urinary tract so the bacteria can't survive.
  OR 1) A mixture of 1/2 tsp baking soda in eight ounce glass of water can be 
very helpful as a UTI preventative or during the first signs of urinary tract 
infection. The presence of baking soda in your system raises the acid-base 
balance of the acidic urine. Or 1 teaspoon into a liter of water. 
  IF you have a diagnosed, symptomatic UTI -- take the antibiotics that are 
necessary to treat the family of bacteria that is present. 

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