Do I believe there is a reason for my injury. Yes the reason for my injury is 
that on a beautiful September day in 1976, while riding my motorcycle to work, 
a young man driving a pickup truck made a mistake and took a left turn on a red 
light and stopped in front of me. The sequences of that event are that is the 
reason for my injury. Had I been left to nature I would be dead. This is a 
subject that a few of my friends and I have had many discussions. I grew up in 
the country, I was taught not to let anything suffer. That it was my 
responsibility to make sure that the animals were taken care of properly. Some 
had to be put down.

I have been told by many religious people that if I have enough faith that I 
would be able to stand up and walk. I have been told this many times, over the 
last 32 years. I have been told that I was being bad so God saw fit to take his 
hands off of me and not protect me so that this could happen to me.

I have been in the paper many times as I live in a small town and am highly 
visible , I let them write about me as long as the articles do not portray me 
as a quote poor me kind of person. I have never been that way and do not intend 
to change. I have never been afraid to die, especially after my accident... 
yes, I saw the light. Which was very reassuring... nothing but love brother. 
That experience has changed my religious views somewhat... remember all things 
are possible and everything will be revealed also we are created in his image.

Right after my accident I was very angry at the ambulance personnel for 
bringing me back to life five times, only to be told that I would never walk 
again, be able to use my hands, or have children. Quite a bleak picture it was 
for an 18-year-old going through puberty. Obviously the question in my head was 
why? Why would someone save someone else so that they could be paralyzed and 
totally dependent upon others? Not to mention the mental and physical pain that 
I personally do not feel any of us should have to go through. If you choose not 
to live like this then you are told you will go to hell, that is a cowards way 
out plus it's against the law. But if you choose to live this way and you do 
not want to kiss people's butts or if you enjoy minding your own business 
keeping a few things private, you are in for a long road.

I am somewhat thick... so it may not take some of you as long as it has me to 
find true love. It does exist I have experienced it, in more than one way. 
There are many more good people in this world than there are bad. Time is so 
short that we have no time to dwell on the bad things.... when your time is up, 
your time is up... you've got to keep on rolling!

Peace, Del

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