That's the response most doctors would give.  I have had one tell me that he
would have done a sphincterotomy if I was still a new entry, but since I
have been in this chair for 15 years next week, there is no sense in fixing
something that is not broken.


On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Cullen <> wrote:

> In Have been a c3 quad for almost 12 years. I have used an indwelling  cath
> for all 12 years and have had very few uti during this period. In Nov I had
> a complete check up kidneys, bladder etc and everything was clear. I asked
> about a super pubic at that time as I have at other times during the 12 year
> and the answer was if its not broke don't fix it.
> Cullen
> C3
> --- On *Sat, 3/14/09, Dollbug <>* wrote:
> From: Dollbug <>
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Super pubic vs foley or cathing
> To:
> Received: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 9:16 AM
> My 22 year old son, who became a quad about 6 months ago, has had numerous
> issues since initial hospitalization.   The most recurring is UTI and some
> bladder infections.   He was in a hospital and rehab for 3-1/2 months
> total.   He had a foley for 2 months initially.   After the 2
> months, cathing began every 4 hours.   About a month after cathing began he
> started to urinate between caths.   He complained of the mess and they put a
> Texas catheter on him and still cathed every 4 hours.    After about 3 weeks
> of being at home (I was cathing and dealing with the Texas catheter) his
> penis became quite raw.    About 3 times more urine coming out of him was
> going into the catheter bag as opposed to cathing.   I asked that a foley be
> put in due to all this.   A few people have told us a super pubic will cause
> a lot less UTI's and much less invasive on the body.   Please share your
> views on a super pubic versus a foley or cathing.
> Many thanks for any replies!
>    ------------------------------
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C2-3 incomplete
13 years post injury

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