They were a couple of great guy's Todd. 
My name is Tim and I am coming up on my 21st anniversary in 
August. I've had one wound- and that was in 2001; that about took me out, and a 
collapsed lung do to an upper respiratory virus at the end of '08. I void my 
bladder on my own, and have been treated for 3 UTI's in my years as a quad. I 
feel pretty fortunate to have had the health that I have had; however, I use to 
drink way too much and this 43 year old road-dog has seen better days. I am 
now on more medicine than I ever have been, they are just for orthostatic 
hypotension; but still, I hate to take anything. I live more of a healthy 
lifestyle than I ever have. 
Growing old bites (especially in the chair), but I just keep "RollinOn"!  

Tim- c5-c6 21 yrs. post in August

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, Todd Daugherty <> wrote:

From: Todd Daugherty <>
Subject: Re: FW: [QUAD-L] Dave Kelmer and Mark Jackson
Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 9:05 PM

I am new so did not have the chance to interact with these two gentlemen, and 
curious if they passed as a result of complications due to their injuries?  I 
know the higher level quads have a significantly shorter lifespan but these 
guys seem young to me still.  I have been injured 20 years and very active, now 
36 years old am am just now beginning to see and have problems that I never 
experienced as a younger guy, such as skin breakdown.  I am not looking forward 
to getting old in this chair!!

My hope and belief is that they are in a better place now and free from the 
chair and everything that went along with it.

Todd D
Atlanta, GA

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 9:31 PM, Lori Michaelson <> wrote:

Mark Jackson from Arkansas died???

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 9:54 AM, <> wrote:

It is so sad losing Dave and Mark this year from the list. I miss them both!
They were both great guys and contributed much caring to the list and other 
people's lives on it.
I hope you are doing well.

Mortgage rates dropped. Record lows. $200,000 for $1,029/mo Fixed. LendingTree®

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ


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