I walked my dog this morning down to the golf course, we find balls and he
picks them up and puts them on my feet rest to take home. I was in the back
parking lot and tried to go over a 5 foot wide dirt patch that connects to a
golf cart path. I do it all the time, but they spilled sand all over the
area. Of course I ended up getting stuck in it. I waited about 10 minutes
then 2 guys (looked about 18 years old) walked up to T-off. I yelled "Can
you help me". They looked over, but did nothing. I waited till after they
T-offed thinking they would help after they hit the balls. I yelled again,
but all they did was look at me, talk to each other and looked away. As they
were walking to the next hole, they got closer so I tried 1 more time.  One
calls back "How are you stuck". I told him I was stuck in some sand. They
just looked at each other and kept walking. So I yelled back "You guys are
cold blooded." The next group of guys that came by helped me out.

            I can't believe guys would do that. At least I didn't have to
wait too long. It was starting to get very hot out.



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