Hopefully you don't mean 320 mg of Baclofen a day.   10mg twice a  day was 
about all I could take without falling asleep every time I sat  still.  My 
waking spasms have now settled down after 42 years of this  crap.   
Sleeping/lying spasms still bother me but the med-head bothers  me too much to 
them with drugs.  Just experiment to find the right  balance for you.  No Dr. 
can guess right the 1st time. You are the  feed-back mechanism.
Young people  talk of the future because they have no past, 
while old people talk of the  past because they have no future. 
_Dave &  Patty's Grandkids_ (http://ocgrands.com/)   

In a message dated 7/28/2009 12:26:31 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
vaescob...@yahoo.com writes:

Hello everyone,
I wrote a few weeks back was telling everyone how i was having bad back  
pain,bad spasms, and drinching in sweat. The spams  were so bad they were  
jerking me from sleep. Well i upgraded my pump on the 15th. For two days after  
that I was asleep. I could not pull myself from my sleep. I was really 
scared.  Finally on 3rd day there was no more spams, no more sweating, and I 
a  wake. Since then my stomach was hurting. Well the pain went away last 
night  after a week. But I am soooooo sleepy. What do you guys think? I was 
getting  280 dosage thru pump now i have 320. I'm so faustrated because if i 
go bk  & lower pump i'm scared toget spams & sweats back. But i can't  
continue to be so sleepy. I wk a 40 job and i just want to be put my head  
Should i downgrade too 300.? I'm asking u guys cause we know more than  the 
dr's  lol

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