The government doesn't want to run the health care system, they wont tell
your docs what to do, who to see, etc. Just regulate the insurance
company's. Make them take "pre existing injuries", etc. And if you like what
you have you can keep it. I think it should go further and just have
National Medicare. Everyone covered. Doctors could spend more time with
patients and less time on paperwork. Just because Canada has a few problems,
doesn't mean we have to be just like theirs. Insurance company's are making
record profits. Our health should not be a profit margin. If insurance
companies can make money on it then the government should be able to do it
for less costs. The insurance companies are a lot more involved in our
health than the government would be. Medicare has some issues, but I've been
much happier on it than I was with my old regular insurance. I love how Fox
is scaring the old people. Saying the government will show up saying it's
time to die. Or at least implying it. What's wrong with a little socialism.
We have it in other areas, we just call it other things. It seams the more
conservative, religious right, the less social help they want. WWJD



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