After a really long time I am getting seated in my C350 this Friday.
Hopefully they will be able to work out all of the electronics difficulties
I encountered the last time, October of last year.  It's a long story and I
don't want to go into it right now, but I do know, based on what the vendor
told me, that the 350 has smaller batteries and therefore a smaller range
than the 500.  It's only a few miles shorter, so it you don't travel over 18
miles a day, you probably won't have any difficulties.


On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 5:26 AM, <> wrote:

>  Any Permobil users?
>   I've always had an arrow or a storm. My new storm is not working out. I'm
> thinking Permobil C 350 corpus or the C 500 RS. Is there any advice you can
> give between these two. I know the 350 is rear wheel drive and the 500 is
> front wheel drive. They both say they can go 6.5 mph. But are the motors the
> same? Battery life the same? I do need a chin control. I'm not going to wear
> that harness. I'd like to mount the chin control on a swing away arm.
> Anybody out there like that? What kind of switch do you have to switch
> modes? Any advice is appreciated.
> Sean
> c-4
> 19 yrs post
> ------------------------------

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