>From the school of hard knocks:
I have been trying to ween back my narcotics since starting Lyrica. I have been 
taking 6 to 8 5mg vicodin for over 4 years. I have been using 4 10mg valiums 
for almost 33 years. Oxycontin for 3 years, 20mg 2 times a day. The Lyrica that 
I began using made me feel I could reduce my other pills. WRONG! 
Obviously, withdrawal from these drugs is more complicated than I had even 
dreamed. If any of you are in this situation, please talk to your doctor before 
trying at home detox. If it isn't done right it can be as dangerous to a quad 
as any other cause of AD. Withdrawal from these drugs can cause death to a 
normal person. It will reverse the positive effects of the lyrica and screw you 
When you take the lyrica just increase the mirilax or poly-glycolax.
I have returned to my normal drug schedual and I'm doing well. I wanted to 
mention this to those of you with pain issues that are also on narcotics. 

best wishes to all,


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