Those countries which have a much higher degree of socialism then the United States. These countries being, Sweden, France, England, Norway. In fact, most of the prosperous European states. You must remember that our own country has a moderate degree of socialism as is evident in our educational system, fire departments, police departments, and military establishment.


At 11:43 AM 10/28/2009, bob quinn said something that elicited my response:

Hi Dan,

Just curious, what successful socialist country would you hold up as an example?

At 08:32 PM 10/27/2009, Dan wrote:
As John has said before, democracy is nothing more than mob rule. Our country is not a democracy but rather a representative form of government. That is, we elect people to do our bidding. The trouble is greed gets in the way. So our representatives stop representing ourselves and start representing those with the most money. This is where capitalism comes into play. For some reason the majority of people in this country love this system. They love the American way which is like a giant game of Monopoly. A few get people all the money and of course all the power. The people with all the power elect those who in turn see to it that those in power, stay in power.

A much more humane system of governance would be a form of all the socialism. Which is what most people in the world use as a form of government. This country is afraid of socialism. They think socialism is the same as communism. Communism is not the bugaboo that people seem think it is. The trouble with Communism is, it doesn't work. But it is a great idea. Everyone does their share of the work and reaps their share of the profits. But of course, there is always one or two slackers, and then three or four slackers, and so on and so on until you have a few people doing most of the work with the resulting lack of profits, produce, etc.. Unfortunately, I guess that's common nature.

This is where socialism came in. People in socialist countries work far fewer hours than they do in strictly capitalistic countries. Because they don't work as hard they generally are much happier. The government provides them with all the necessities of life. Such as; education, medical care, a good infrastructure, police force, fire department, etc. Of course, they are heavily taxed. But it does not seem to bother them as all their basic needs are provided for. How many people do you know that waste their excess money? I have neighbors that don't have a pot to piss in yet they have four cars in their driveway. I have neighbors that fight to see who can get the biggest pool or most expensive car or - well you get the point.

Okay I'm done ranting.


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