After my injury I sweat uncontrollably day and night. Back in 1975 my 
sister and cousin and I went to visit my other sister and cousin in Saranac 
NY in February driving trough a blizzard to get there, the only source of 
heat they had was a pot belly stove in a rental apartment. I slept with my 
sister DeeDee when I woke up in the morning my hair was wet which is usual BUT 
this morning it was frozen and there was a tin layer on ice on my face. The 
tempter in the apartment had gone below freezing, so I woke DeeDee up 
"DeeDee wake up I'm frozen" she said "I'm cold too go back to sleep" "DeeDee 
touch my face I'm freezing" She knew i wasn't going to shut up until she 
my face so she threw the covers off of her pain in the ass sister and when 
she felt my face and hair she said "Your freezing, oh my God everybody wake 
up we have to defrost Bobbie" They started the stove, wrapped me in every 
blanket, put a hair dryer to my heard to defrost me. I think I was cold to the 
bone for a week solid - ha ha.     ~ Bobbie

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