Thanks Bob.  That is how I see it too.  Most of the violations  are either 
parking in/on the striped lines.  This prevents those who parked  in valid 
spots from entering or exiting their vehicles safely and in an  emergency 
could cause bodily harm/injury.  The second violation is the  temporary use of 
another person's tags or unauthorized/improper use of anothers  tags 
(placard/plates).  Those with placards and plates should be tested and  must 
the special rules for use of such tags.
Keep the money rolling!
Best Wishes
In a message dated 4/17/2010 11:24:29 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Hi All,  

Out here in California--the financially broke state--a great thing has  
happened.  The powers that be found a way to help solve two problems in  
one--there are too many Handicapped Parking Violators
and not enough money so as of January the fines increased from $250 and  
can be as much as $1000.  The amount depends on how much the city decides  it 
is.  I think it is around $850 in San Francisco but I'm not sure.  AND the 
state being broke, I don't think the judges are likely to let  people off 
with a warning.

One question I had--in the original post for this you mentioned that a  
majority of violations of Handicapped Parking were by individuals with  
disabilities.  What kind of violations are we talking about?
Parking in the lined zone reserved for van lifts?  That type of  thing?  I 
know I *used* to be a little lazy about remembering to put my  placard 
up--but no more, I remember it every time!


On Apr 17, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Steve Oldaker wrote:

Hi  W.,
While  I agree that the best way to get one's attention is via their 
pocketbook, we  found that the vast majority of the citations issued by our 
Handicapped  Parking Enforcement Patrol were either dismissed or changed to 
warnings when  the offender went before the judge. So we decided that if we 
 effectively punish violators, we could at least inform them and hopefully  
reduce future violations. Unfortunately, there will always be abusers no  
matter what the efforts, but we will keep on trying.
Steve  - C4, 21 years
From: [_mailto:wheelch...@aol.com_ 
( ] 
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 11:27  AM
To: _steve.olda...@comcast.net_ ( ; 
_quad-l...@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Handicapped Parking  Enforcement

That  is great news Steve.  Parking Enforcement is a very sticky issue in 
all  of North America.  Violations occur, because they can and ignorance is  
merely a hollow excuse.  A citation or ticket is the only lesson that  they 
react to and still fail to comprehend those rules. Often, violators  only 
think of themselves and not of others.  I've personally witnessed  those being 
advised, flipping the bird in response to being educated.   Standing before 
an administrative judge, they are meek and defensive.(dumb  like fox) and 
will go out and do it again..... because they  can.

Get  them in the pocketbook always gets their attention... until the next 
time  when they will truly believe that they are more needy of that spot then 
 those vehicles on either side of the striped area.  Some people will  
never learn. Who's the worst?  That LiL Old Lady From  Pasadena.........

Thanks  for the posting.

Best  Wishes


In a  message dated 4/17/2010 10:11:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_steve.olda...@comcast.net_ (   writes:

I live in a fairly small town in Southeast Georgia  and serve on our 
Mayor's Committee on Services for the Disabled. Over 15  years ago, the Mayor's 
Committee formed the Handicapped Parking  Enforcement Patrol comprised of 
individuals with disabilities who were  trained and deputized by our city and 
county police departments and  empowered to issue warnings or citations for 
handicapped parking  violations. Participation in the Handicapped Parking 
Enforcement Patrol  has varied over the years along with the number of warnings 
and citations  issued, but the patrol is still active and making at least 
some difference  in our community.
One of the surprising things we discovered is that  many if not the 
majority of handicapped parking violations are committed  by people with 
disabilities. Most were either unaware of or are simply  disregarded the state 
that regulate the legal use of a handicapped  parking space. So our Mayor's 
Committee developed an information and  courtesy warning flyer on handicapped 
parking enforcement that outlines  the lawful use of a handicapped parking 
permit or vehicle license tag.  This flyer is distributed to everyone in our 
County who receives or renews  their handicapped parking permit which 
averages around 100 permits issued  per month. You can view the flyer (front 
back) via the link below if  interested:
We have no way of measuring the effectiveness of this  flyer, but even if 
only a relatively small number of recipients read and  comply with the 
information we think it is worth the  effort.
Steve - C4, 21  years


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