Hi Nick,

Right off the bat, I would say your ad is way too long and -- more importantly -- your ad is mostly about perks. It's sort of like giving a dog a treat before he does the trick. And I always keep my ads very short and to the point. My ad goes something like this: male quadriplegic looking for assistance with daily needs. No experience required. Salary is X dollars per hour. Free rent a possibility.

When I read your ad, all I could think about were the perks. To me this is a sure way to get deadbeats. Also, I would have a separate ad for the moneymaking aspect, i.e. working for your website. To be frank, and I know it isn't, but that part of your ad sounds like a money making scheme.

And, unless your agency requires it, I would leave out the age range. I've hired people that were 18 and were great PCA's. Or you might want someone recently retired. That way, you know they at least have a work ethic.

Finally, salary is the key. Everything else is secondary. Once you set up an interview and you like the person or persons, then you can mention the perks. Also, I would not push the moneymaking part. I would only mention this part after they were hired and working for awhile. One very wise person told me when I was first hiring PCA's that never hire someone that wants to help you out -- always hire someone that really needs the money. Over the last 30 years, I've found that to be very true.

So that's my $25. Hope some of it might be worth thinking about.


At 04:15 PM 6/5/2010, Steve Crowder said something that elicited my response:

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I haven't been here in a while because I'm always so busy, but I always come back when I am in dire need of answers -- Mike I am right now. All my caregivers treat me like shit -- I mean horribly -- because they know I can't get anybody else in here right away. I don't understand it. Please read my ad and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I put a link to it on my website, so you only need to go here:


I don't know where else to go. Does anyone have any advice for me? Do you go through this yourself with your caregivers? I'm high maintenance because I have scoliosis and have to get rolled a lot, but other than that, I am one of the nicest guys around. I have a great home, cable -- you name it, I've got it -- everything short of a swimming pool. By the way, I'm looking for writers for my magazine if anyone's interested. The address is: <http://www.SurvivingParalysis.com>Www.SurvivingParalysis.com. Should I be advertising in any different publications or areas? It's never been IT'S difficult to find you are

Thanks, Nick Danger


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