Those AB Belts, with batteries are not good according to the FDA which made 
 the importer take the product off the market.  Eliminate all white flour  
and sugar from your diet for a month or two and see what happens.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 6/6/2010 7:04:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

My quad  belly seems to be growing no matter what I do. It looks like if 
you poked me I  would pop.
I'm not over weight, fairly skinny arms and legs. I've been  working out 
and watching what I eat.
I feel like I'm pushing my stomach out  trying to make myself look pregnant.
But my belly is getting uncomfortable,  when I try to bend forward, etc.
I wish those Ab Belts that shock your  muscles to tighten would work, but I 
heard they don't.
It would be great if  a doc could just go in there and tie every thing back 
up. I feel like all my  inside stuff is lowering out of place.
Even my abdomen binder does not help  hold things in place.

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