
From: Hogan, Melanie
Sent:  Sun 6/13/2010 6:18 PM
To: All LEAP Staff
Subject: FW: 20th Anniversary ADA  Mural Project

Please share with all the aritsts with disabilities  that you know!

Melanie Hogan
Executive Director
Linking Employment,  Abilities and Potential (LEAP)
1468 West 25th Street
Cleveland, OH  44113
216-696-2716 ex. 108
http://www.leapinfo.org  <http://www.leapinfo.org/>   


From: ADA-OSU  [mailto:ada-...@osu.edu]
Sent: Thu 5/6/2010 9:50 AM
Subject: 20th Anniversary ADA Mural Project

VSA Ohio:  The State Organization on Arts and Disability

Call for Art: ADA  Mural Project

The 20th Anniversary of the Americans with  Disabilities Act (ADA) this 
July is a milestone for disability rights and  celebrations are planned 
throughout the country.  

VSA Ohio  will mark the advancement of individuals with disabilities, while 
recognizing  the work still to do, at the intersection of art and community 
with a  mural.  Murals build community by bringing individuals together to 
create  art that reflects shared experiences. 

The goals for this project  are to:

1) Build community and inclusion

2) Raise  awareness about Americans with Disabilities Act legislation and 
disability  rights

3) Use this project to advocate for arts and disability  issues

4) Provide professional development experiences for artists with  

Individuals and artists with disabilities from  across Ohio are asked to 
consider the impact of the ADA on your life as a person  with a disability, on 
your life as an artist, how it has opened doors in your  community, and/or 
your expectations for the next 20 years under the ADA.   

VSA Ohio invites Ohio artists with disabilities and the general  population 
of people with disabilities to submit their reflections in the form  of 
sketches, photographs, paintings, sculpture, poetry, and short stories.  

Award winning muralist, Kong Ho, will be the Master Artist in  charge of 
designing and leading mural creation.  While many entries may be  incorporated 
into the mural, a limited number of Ohio artists will be selected  to 
assist Mr. Ho in creation of the mural based on artistic excellence and  
scheduling availability.  Accessibility accommodations will be made for  those 
selected to help with construction.  Artists will also engage with  Ohio 
Legislators who will contribute to the mural's creation.  

The mural will be assembled in Columbus between July 21 and July  25.  It 
will then be unveiled at the 20th Anniversary Celebration hosted by  the Ohio 
Rehabilitation Services Commission at the Ohio Statehouse on July 26,  
2010. The mural will spend one year traveling to diverse sites across Ohio to  
raise awareness for the arts and disability communities. Video documentation  
will contribute to advocacy campaigns.

Artists selected will need  to be available for a flexible period between 
July 21-26 to assist in creating  the mural in downtown Columbus. 

Please include a short narrative (200  words maximum) about why you would 
like to participate in creating the mural.  You may also indicate if you 
would simply like your artwork incorporated in the  mural and do not wish to be 
involved in its construction.

VSA  Ohio: The State Organization on Arts and Disability

Entry  Form

ADA Mural Project Call for Art

Name:          .

Address:                   .

City:         State:                 Zip:            .

Telephone:                Email:                 .

Artists may submit a maximum of two (2) pieces of art for  consideration.

For Visual artwork:

___      Sketches, drawing, or painting

___      Photograph

___     Sculpture

Entry  Format:

___     Via email - attached digital image(s).  Send low resolution JPEGS 
at full size and at optimal screen viewing resolution  of 72dpi. Files should 
be under 1mb and no larger than 800 pixels in any  direction.

___     Via U.S. mail - Do NOT send the  original artwork; enclose an 
actual photograph no larger than 8" x 10" or image  saved to a CD 

Please note what size the actual piece of artwork  is (or can be printed  



For  Literary artwork:

___     Short story or brief essay (500  words or less)

___      Poetry


___     Word.doc as  e-mail attachment

___     Word.doc on CD -  enclosed

___     Via U.S. mail -  enclosed


If you would like to enter another  medium of artwork for consideration 
please contact VSA Ohio at 614-241-5325 for  information on how to submit.

VSA Ohio: The State Organization on  Arts and Disability

Please note 

*   All  entries become the property of VSA Ohio and will not be returned.  
*   Works chosen for the mural may be displayed on the VSA Ohio  website, 
in grant reports to funders and other organizations, and/or as part of  
advocacy efforts. 
*   Work will not be sold or licensed in any way  other than the specific 
intended purpose of generating design concepts and  inclusion in the mural. 
*   The master artist and VSA Ohio staff  will do their best to incorporate 
many ideas and submissions into the final  design of the mural. If the 
artist is not selected to participate as a mural  artist assistant but his/her 
art work will be in the mural, the artist will be  credited as such in all 
related publications. 
*   Submission alone  or acceptance of work into project does not guarantee 
the entrant will be  selected to help construct the mural. 
*   An additional release  and memorandum will be required if you are 
selected to help construct the mural.  

Printed name            

Signature            Date

Deadline for  Entries is Friday, June 4, 2010


Checklist for  entries:

___     Entry Form with  signature

___     Resume

___      Artist's Statement

___     Narrative about participation  (200 words max)

___     Art work (include necessary  enclosures or attachments)

For questions about this  project please contact:

Derek Mortland

Artist Services  Coordinator

VSA Ohio

Phone:    614-241-5325

E-mail:    dmortl...@vsao.org

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