You're right. I have referred several people to the Quadlist but I've never
seen them post........when I joined 12 yrs ago the forum was hot and heavy
from medical questions, sex, supplies, ideas, etc.........

If you have a facebook page and want to be a friend my email is




-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Missing members...


Hello Everyone,

I have not been mentioned and I have properly been forgotten. I was very
sick about 1 1/2 years ago and I think that is when I stopped posting.  I
spend most of my time in bed and on the computer, and I  don't watch much tv
unless my grandson is here. My kids introduced me to Netflix and  I get 7
movies a week plus I watch at least 1 instant play movie. a day .   They
also got me going on Facebook where I have many friends and 75 who graduated
high school with me.  I play farm town and farmville also on FB. I guess
most of my posting is there.

I still receive updates from the Q-List and read them daily.  I have also
found it is only a few that do post, and I am glad politics is not the lead
discussion anymore.  I do miss the daily grind of a para or quad that did
reach out and help so many people that were new and needed info.  I think
that is why there aren't any new members,,there is no reason or hope that is
given to the newbies so there is no reason for them to begin membership.
Think of the number or people we have missed, we are leaving all the
teaching about life to the professionals and we all know how that goes.



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