Tim, aka Stuntman, was also in contact with Mr Boyd.  I will call Tim  this 
week and ask.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 7/31/2010 10:04:31 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
quad...@gmail.com writes:

for the  first time I received a failure to deliver message.  I fear he no 
longer  has that e-mail address.  A couple of years ago I know he was the 
oldest  living quadriplegic and more than 80 years old.  Well, maybe I should 
say  longest surviving, given I believe he was hurt sometime around the 
Korean  War.

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 9:50 PM, <_wheelch...@aol.com_ 
(mailto:wheelch...@aol.com) > wrote:

Who could forget Mr Boyd and his way with words one day and his stories  of 
flying in his youth.  I also wonder about Amy LiL Quad too.
Best Wishes


In a message dated 7/22/2010 7:49:11 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_quad...@gmail.com_ (mailto:quad...@gmail.com)  writes:

I have been on and off the list since 1998.  I do remember  Keith.  I 
haven't heard from him in quite a while. 
About three years ago I shot a letter off to Boyd Jenkins, because  there 
was some discussion about the oldest living quadriplegic.  At  the time he 
was definitely the oldest.  I just sent an e-mail to his  previous e-mail 
address and am wondering if I get a response. 
How many of you guys remember Boyd?
I used to become so frustrated  when I was arguing with them, but he really 
made me look words up and  think about my arguments before I just shot off 
an e-mail.  He was  definitely one of a kind.
I hope you still doing  well.

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Lori Michaelson  
<_lorilivin...@gmail.com_ (mailto:lorilivin...@gmail.com) > wrote:

Hello all,

Over the last year (give or take) I began giving  some thought as to how 
many of us that joined the list many years ago  have stayed and, therefore, we 
were so much younger (many of us in our  20s or early 30s) then and now so 
many of us that have remained regular  or semi-regular posters are now in 
our mid to late 40s or 50s.   Woah!

In addition, I have not noticed any "new, young members" join the  list.  
Or, perhaps they have and are just lurking and/or they  are much younger and 
therefore we seem like old geezers to  them.  LOL LOL

Having said that, I recently came across some old e-mails from  "user 
names" that used to be on this list but that I have not heard from  or seen 
from in years.  

One was "QuadPirate" and another was "BluzQuad."  
Then there was Keith who was from New Jersey.  A couple of  years ago, or a 
little longer, Keith and I had corresponded off  list.  Being longtime 
correspondents, I am worried about him.   This is because he had two brothers 
who were helping him but they  were beginning to get burnt out and he was 
worried what was going to  happen to him (as far as care) and I have never 
from him since.  
Anyone remember those guys?  Are any of you named above still  lurking?

Age - 45
C4/5  complete quad, nearly 31 years post
Tucson,  AZ

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