I'm a new participant in the forum from Olney, Maryland. I was injured in an
accident at the beach about three years ago, and I'm now a C4/C5


It sure is nice to find a forum dedicated to quadriplegics. I can imagine
that being a paraplegic is a devastating and life-changing injury, but it
seems to me that quadriplegics face problems of an entirely different


I have two primary areas of interest:


Support for Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I am currently using Dragon
NaturallySpeaking 10, and it works pretty well for most things, but I have
questions from time to time. For example, does anyone know how to copy a
block of information from a website and paste it into a document using
Dragon voice commands?


Quality of life issues. So many of the organizations which help those with
spinal cord injuries seem to focus on basic health needs and research and
things like that. I am considering starting an organization which would
focus on quality-of-life issues only. It is nice to stay alive... but it
might be nice to have some fun too. Are you aware of any organizations which
focus on quality-of-life issues for quadriplegics and their families? If I
were to start such an organization, would that be of interest to you?


Thank you, and take care,


Dave Krehbiel

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