My Nurse Took a Culture in the Stoma Last Week. The Pharmacy Called and  
Said They Were Sending a Penicillin, Which I Have Been Allergic to for Years 
and  Would Have Died If I Had Not Gotten to ER in Time for Drugs to Open up 
My  Airway.
Then They Changed It to Bactrim. Today I Became Really Cold and Chilling  
with a Fever. I Called the On-Call Doctor and they gave me Cipro. They always 
 give me generic drugs.
They Gave Me a New Doctor When My Previous Doctor Became a  Hospitalist..
What are all of you given for UTIs and do any of you have iIleo- conduit.  
It seems like I can read more than I should.

My previous nursing agency was not doing me cultures the right way.  They 
couldn't find another nurse to replace her when she went to another job.  The 
agency would not give her the right kind of red catheters to check my 
ostomy  stoma. I then had to wait several weeks to see my doctor because she 
would not  write new orders until she saw me and she was going to be out of 
town. And she  did not give the orders to the new agency. I don't think they 
know the needs a  quadriplegic.
I would appreciate any suggestions and information.

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