You mentioned Joni.  She is such a sweetie.  You forgot. Rene  Bondi too.  
To Rehab at Craig, Shepard, Kessler, RIC in their spinal units  is quite an 
adventure and a rewarding experience in healthcare and  medicine.  Dr Bo, 
have you looked into 4AP?  Accorda Hospital in NY  was the lead hospital and 
Dr Cohen was lead Doctor in the study and  trials.  Don't know it its worth 
your time.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 1/31/2011 5:05:47 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I practice in  Charleston,  SC. My father fell in July, sustaining a near 
complete C4 SCI. My sister and I  spent months at his bedside, trying to get 
Dad the best care possible. Sadly,  it was difficult to succeed. Dad’s case 
is severe and difficult, and taxed the  dedication, experience, and devotion 
of the rehab hospitals we had him in (3  in total, due to Medicare time 
restraints). I have CCed my sister, Ann. She may be able to add to my  
comments. We were in and near the Woodlands hospitals for months ending in  
I would say that Dr  Hire (“Dr Hear”) at Reliant  Hospital was the best 
for SCI. DR  Latta, at Health South and at Triumph Hospital was a very close 
second, and  either could care for me anytime. Dr Latta was very  good at 
personally investing in my Dad’s story and case. DR Hire may have had  a bit 
more experience w/ SCI complications, but the 2 are so close, it becomes  a 
matter of preference, and not science. 
Relient was the best of  the 3 hospitals, I believe. All 3 failed to 
perform at my practice standards,  forgetting to keep pressure off the wound, 
above bed by 30 degrees, etc.  The minor details matter to me. I believe in 
saving pennies and I believe in  aiming for perfection. In both cases, the 
little things can add up to wins for  my Dad’s recovery. Scientifically, 
that may be hard to prove, but I still try  to give every detail my best, while 
majoring on the  majors. 
The PT at Triumph  was dismal, due to a ego disorder in the PT director.  
Speech was poor there as well. The ST was going thru a divorce and missed  
treatments on my Dad, a patient who lost his only means of communication  
(speech) due to a post operative stroke. 
PT at HealthSouth  was pretty good, except that there is a systematic flaw 
in the way that Rehab  hospitals do rounds. See below. PT/OT at HS included 
Joseph Becker (director),  and others. Speech there was weak until we got 
them to bring in Ann McDonald,  and independent Speech Therapist (not near 
Bryan, Texas?). 
Rounds at all 3  Rehab Hospitals I experienced have a fatal flaw. (I 
believe this flaw is  present in 99% to 100% of Rehab Hospitals. I know it is 
present in TIRR as  well). The fatal flaw = The therapist treating the  patient 
write reports that are read and summarized by the director during  rounds. 
Decisions are made by the Rehab Doctor using this second hand,  nonverbal 
communication. Medicare and private insurance companies also rely on  this poor 
communication method to deny care. I do not allow second hand  
communication in my ER. (If Mary saw a complication in a case, I need to hear  
it from 
Mary, and see her face as she relates what she saw. Written charts  will 
NEVER replace that level of communication). 
The senator will  probably do well, and that was a major reason TIRR took 
her. She will recover  well and they will get the credit and the federal 
grants. It would have been  politically dangerous to refuse this case, no 
what the prognosis. I  believe she would have been accepted in any case, 
even if she had sustained  the much more deadly bilateral injury.  
In summary, Heaven  is aware of the burden and oppression that exist for 
SCI pts. God will more than make up for the suffering endured at the  hands of 
a broken world. Jodi Erickson Tada can speak to this with more  authority 
than I. Until Heaven, I would trust the above doctors and Health  South 
therapist (except ST). Reliant therapist may be just as good. Avoid  Triumph 
therapist until their emotional ills are resolved and the patients  become more 
important than themselves. 
In His Reliable  Grip, 
Dr  Bo 
From: KK  [] 
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 9:57  AM
To: Dr. Bo Machado; MS  Quads
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  The 10 Best Hospitals for Wheelchair Users
Dr Bo,

Are you in the Houston area?  I  figured the senator got to TIRR because 
her husband was a NASA employee &  had big news following.

I am in The Woodlands, above Houston.  Haven't  had much luck finding help 
in my  area.

From: Dr. Bo  Machado <>
To: KK <>; MS  Quads <>;
Sent: Mon, January 31, 2011 8:30:50  AM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] The  10 Best Hospitals for Wheelchair Users 
I have  personal experience w/ TIRR in Houston. Here are the sobering  
·        TIRR boast  great success because  they turn down patients that 
have a  poorer  prognosis.  For example, they have a wound team but will not 
take patients with a wound.  This is a fact I have PERSONNALY witnessed. 
o        Athletes,  younger patients, no wounds,… 
·        Good  numbers leads to good grants and federal funding and US News 
and World Reports  top 10. 
This an  unhealthy cycle IF you are excluded from admission. It could be a 
blessing if  you get accepted, but I am not scientifically convinced they 
have better  skills and results due  to the patient selection bias. They DO 
have more and newer gizmos, but gizmos  often do change outcome. 
The best  care will come from a team that PERSONALLY invest in you AND has 
LOTS OF  EXPERIENCE with your type of injury. That could be in any  town!! 
You  all are  often in my  prayers, 
Bo Machado  MD 
-----Original  Message-----
From: KK [_mailto:kkbatte@yahoo.com_ ( ]
Sent:  Monday, January 31, 2011 9:18 AM
To: MS Quads;
Subject: [QUAD-L] The 10 Best Hospitals for Wheelchair  Users 
This is  only part of the article. 
So, what  were the top ten hospitals for wheelchair users according to 
rehabilitation  physicians selected by US News and World Report? 
1.  Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago Ill 
2. Kessler  Institute for Rehabilitation, West  Orange, NJ 
3.  University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA 
4.  Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston, MA 
5. TIRR  Memorial Hermann, Houston,  TX 
6. Mayo  Clinic, Rochester,  MN 
7. Craig  Hospital, Englewood, CO 
8. Rusk  Institute, NYU Langone Medical  Center, New York,  NY 
9.  Shepherd Center, Atlanta, GA 
10. Moss  Rehab, Elkins Park,  PA

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