Oh Yes..

Yes I too have/do suffer from panic attacks and it seems like its only been
these past latter years.

I've learned to only have my can drape my flannel sheet on half my head (my
left) and so my

Right is more open to fresh air, this is mainly in colder months. Otherwise
I sleep with ac or ceiling

Fan and light sheet nearby to arm up to my mouth to cover up if needed with
my mouth. I am 

Married and somewhat spoiled as I ask my wife to cover/uncover or flip
on/off fan, but in times 

She's gone like on a friggin "girls rip" oh man, I get pre-panicked lol, but
smartly get left setup by

Can so matt can help me self lol. * I did most recently get showered with va
spoilage with a nice

Gift/install of a voice-activated ecu system, and so can now voice control
de fan, de tv, de phone,

De kitchen door, cannot do my bed since queen-size Invacare remote, but that
may change too.

I am blessed in many ways, and am so glad we have this quad forum too. I
often remain quiet

On here, but actively review the daily chats. 


Matt Wermer

C-4, 22 Yrs Post, Diving Accident

* I vote we just say x-rated, sex matters, sensitive, etc.. if talking such
related lol

  Or not, we can choose we have that ability lol..



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