I was injured at 19 - c3 incomplete, and have nearly normal touch  sensatio
ns - hot and cold not so much.   I was in a rehab ward with 6  other sci's 
all under 21 - 1 of whom had a sister in nursing school who would  visit 
often.  we told her to bring 6 friends next time and she did.   they made our 6 
month rehab much more bearable.  Also..... my p.t. was a 28  year old female 
who was very nice to all of us guys.  1 time she took me  and 1 other 
(para) and his date to the drive in.  Afterwards, she suggested  we all spend 
night at her trailer.  Rick took the couch and she dragged  me down the 
hall and into her bed. (I was much lighter then.)  We spent the  night 
determining just what worked and how well it did.  by morning she  said, "I'm 
you back - you're killing me."  it was wonderful to know  all was not 
'broken'.  Since then - 1967 - I got married to a h.s.  sweetheart, had 3 kids 
the old fashioned way, taught school, and had a 25 year  career with Honeywell 
as a programmer.  now my job is in India and I fool  around on the PC all 
day trying to remember which happy hour is on which day,  and getting a 
bigger quad belly every year.   
I wish everyone here a very blessed Thanks Giving and happy holidays with  
good friends and family.
What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.  

George Dennison Prentice
_Daveoconnell.com_ (http://daveoconnell.com/)  


In a message dated 11/21/2011 1:28:38 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
donpric...@yahoo.com writes:

I raised  the sex question because when we discussed turning and 
positioning in bed the  thought occurred to me that everyone does things 
and we can learn  so much from each other.  I assume the same holds true for 
intimacy, and  I know we're always open to information and suggestions.  :)
 My  interest in the subject is part personal curiousity and part 
professional  interest as I do quite a bit of mentoring in my job.
I have a  million questions, but the first, and most basic, are:  how has 
SCI  affected your intimate relationships?  Do you have a sex life?  Do  you 
[and your partner] find it fulfilling?  How does your current  lovelife 
compare with before your injury?
[Keep  in mind that your replies may be searchable through Google in the 
future, so  don't write anything you'd be embarrassed to have searched.]
I will  answer my own questions to get the ball rolling:  
I was  injured at age 18 and had not been sexually active before my injury. 
 I  realized quickly after my injury [c5-6 complete] that I could get a  
physiogenic erection [from touch] but not a psychogenic erection [from  
thought.]  I had very reduced sensation in that area but the sensation I  have 
very nice.  It took me many years post-injury to trust someone  enough to 
get to the point of intimacy, but during college one of my female  caregivers 
slipped into bed with me one night, removed my catheter and changed  my 
life.  I never guessed that with my reduced sensation I could climax,  but I 
did.  Not only that, but even with her doing all the 'work' I  found that I 
could please my partner.  From that moment on I felt I had  regained a certain 
manliness that I thought was gone forever.
I can't compare sex before and after SCI, but over  the years I can say 
I've had very fulfilling intimate relationships.   


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