Hi Greg,

I used to use a deicer on the sidewalks around my home.  I did not have a ramp 
but I think it would work on the ramp better than salt will.  I do not remember 
the name of the product but if you search for deicers on the Internet I am sure 
you will find something.  It is crystalline and unfortunately more expensive 
than salt.  But the product I used to buy would melt up to 2 inches of snow and 
crack and dissolve ice at very low temperatures.

I typed in deicers on Google and information comes up from about.com.  There 
are also products listed there.  I used to order my deicer by mail and it was 
delivered to my house.  2 gallons size boxes (I'm guessing) sized lasted me 
through a southeastern Ohio winter.

Just make sure you read the directions carefully and do not leave the deicer 
close to a heat source because it will melt.

Kathy (C6, C7) 44 years post

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