I have been experiencing a multitude of problems over the last year and
finally I had a cystoscopy done in August which showed there were no stones
or any other obstructions.  I had been experiencing a lot of pain from the
catheter rubbing against the back of the bladder wall.

I have managed to tape my suprapubic (SP) against a stat lock device that
I'm using on my lower abdomen.  This is working well with the pain most of
the time, but I am still having problems with my catheter not draining
properly at times.  Repositioning the bag so that the urine has to travel
up seems to help about 50% of the time, but there also seems to be those
times when we have to flush with some saline in order to get it draining

When I explain this to be urologist, who works on a multitude of
quadriplegics here in Tampa and as been my urologist for the last 10 years)
she informed me that I would be an ideal candidate for the
ileovesicostomy.  She told me that my catheter had atrophied so
significantly that it was probably one of the only options left up to me.
I have been procrastinating and thought I had everything resolved, but I
have been experiencing a lot of problems lately.  I think I'm just delaying
the inevitable.

Has anyone on this list have the procedure and if so would they mind
telling me their experiences?

I am searching through forums right now and trying to gather as much
information as I can.  I'm planning on scheduling another meeting with my
urologist in order to allay my fears.  I haven't had surgery since I have
been paralyzed and I'm terribly frightened of general anesthetic.  I don't
want to be put back on a ventilator after spending four months of what I
now think were the worst months of my life fighting to get off the

Anyway, if you can help out I really appreciated.
PS please excuse any errors.  Among the backup to my backup microphone and
it has some static bursts into it right now.  I really need to get my
computer and microphones within working order again.

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