Begin forwarded message:

From:  AAPD  <_communications@aapd.com_ ( >

Date:  April 23,  2012 3:27:13 PM EDT

To:  _missliz1@optonline.net_ ( 

Subject:  Tell  Congress not to chip away at the ADA!

Reply-To:  AAPD  <_communications@aapd.com_ 
( >

Can’t  view this message? _Read it  online_ 
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On March 16,  Representative David Schweikert (R-AZ) introduced H.R. 4200, “
To  Amend the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990”. On March  26, 
Representative Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) introduced H.R. 4256, “The  Pool Safety 
and Accessibility for Everyone (pool SAFE) Act”. These  bills will prevent 
the Department of Justice from enforcing its  own regulations and keep 
public pools from being accessible as  required by the ADA.

That's  right-21 years after the ADA we could see our rights rolled  back.

We need to act today.

The  House Judiciary Subcommittee on The Constitution has scheduled a  
hearing to discuss this legislation.
When:  Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Time:  4:30pm EST
Room:  2141 Rayburn House Office Building

Take  Action: 
    1.  Come  to the hearing and show your support!  
    2.  Contact  your representative: Find the  _representative_ 
(  for your district and 
their office or click on their contact form to submit a letter  online. In 
your letter, identify yourself as a constituent and  urge your senator / 
representative to “Please do not support  H.R. 4200 or H.R. 4256. These bills 
would cut back the ADA and  block our right to accessible pools.” 
    3.  If  your representative is a co-sponsor on either of these bills  
call them today and ask them to remove their  name as a co-sponsor! Find out 
if your representative is a  co-sponsor _here_ 
( .

Here's  what your representatives need to know:

    *   Swimming  pools are not a luxury; they are part of American life. 
Every  family deserves the chance to enjoy vacations together without  
leaving a child, spouse, or parent behind just because they have  a disability. 
    *   People  with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else to 
use  swimming pools. 
    *   Backtracking  on the ADA is never acceptable.We  cannot roll back 
civil rights for any group.  
    *   The  ADA was signed into law 21 years ago. Swimming pool owners 
have  had decades to come into compliance. 
    *   The  final regulation language and the accessibility standards have 
 been out since September 2010, so the pool owners have had 18  months to 
comply with those specific 
    *   The  regulations are subject to an "undue burden" defense, so any  
hotel or pool owner that cannot afford to come into compliance  need not do 
so immediately.

For  more information, _click  here_ 
( .

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American  Association of People with Disabilities
1629 K  Street NW, Suite 950 | Washington, DC 20006  
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