Hello everyone, hope you're all doing well. I want to recommend a product to 
everyone. I know all of us suffer
from circulation problems and we all get swollen feet. Before my injury I used 
to sell these wonderful massagers
that were designed precisely to stimulate blood flow, they were actually 
designed for diabetics, you know how most
of them have really bad circulation issues. Anyway, I thought it would be a 
good idea to start selling these massagers 
again. Before I used to travel with the company to all the trade shows and 
fairs, of course I can't do that now but I
can sell them online. So I made my website, here's the link if any of you is 
interested http://www.lwgripgloves.com/medi-rub-massagers.php. And of course if 
you have questions feel free to ask.

Regards to all!

Lissette Whitehead
C4/5 Complete Quad
Since 2005


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