I have never found a redeeming feature in any organized religion, so the 
comment about right wing religion in politics made me laugh and cry. The idea 
of a Just God is fine but remember, men create "Justice" on Earth. When in 
history did a religous man impart justice. The wealthy own our so called 
judicial system. Soon, they  will own health care, too.
If it is right that those who have everything should be allowed to own 
everything and do as they please with everything, then the rest of us must 
leave so they  can have a place to put it all.
A little note, Obamacare has not gone into affect. Lets all say it together, 
Bush Care Sux!
It is true. many people don't have health insurance and have no way to 
negotiate with Dr.s and Hospitals to pay a fraction of what they are charged. 
Of course, they are left to file bankruptcy because they couldn't afford 
outragous insurance rates. A family of four pays  $800.00 a month for a minimal 
policy and god help them if an accident befalls a child. Just paying the co-pay 
often bankrupts and even destroys many families. 
Right now, I have medicare and Medicaid and I am paying a $3000.00 loan  to  
the bank so I don't loose my stinking little trailor and my pitifull credit and 
be forced into a nursing home. The money was for crap that wasn't paid on the 3 
surgeries I had oct. dec. and april of this year. I'm proud that I can pay my 
bills. I do beg at times, but only as a last resort and I'm honest about it. 
Mostly, I think they just want us cripples out of sight and in nursing homes 
where we can be forgotten to death. They need to know we are here.
I don't really support Obama no matter what many of  you think. I'm a 
socialist. I believe everyone has a right to health care, to justice, and 
police protection. I don't believe our legal system works and why can't 
Americans go  to the colleges and universities according to their grades in 
high school and not their parents ability to pay.  Scholarships are a joke as 
are the huge foundations that pay out more to lawyers to run them than they 
will ever pay so students can get an education.

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