Very funny Bobbie-- I did'nt know my experience would leave you feeling like a 
sheep !   Dan **

From: Bobbie Humphreys <>
To: Danny Hearn <>
Sent: Sun, August 26, 2012 11:37:45 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. Being a quad

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, 
blah, blah, blah, blah

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 25, 2012, at 8:33 PM, Danny Hearn <> wrote:

Whoever stated that there is no  GOD -- is dead wrong-- he has proved to me 
he is real several times in my life,
>First of all mankind introduced sin by going against gods simple 
>man and women would have lived forever in the Garden, God told them of all 
>things you may eat here EXCEPT the Tree of Knowledge and if they did he told 
>them they would surely DIE. God does not sin and does not lie.   So in the 
>begining It was the perfect set-up,  now we must die to ever have eternal 
>He saw that manking was so sinful that he even sent his son to suffer and die 
>horrible death for us ( which he willing did )    For any interested I'll tell 
>one incident he showed me about 3 or 4 years ago.   I have it wrote down date 
>and all in a notebook..... I had been reading the bible and praying an awful  
>lot for God to give me wisdom and guidance, At that time I was obsessed with 
>home, cars or a van, bills money and etc. Well one of those nights when me and 
>my wife went to bed--she was asleep but I had eyes closed and was trying too 
>also-----Then next thing I knew, GOD had somehow took my soul/spirit or inner 
>being out of my body and had me floating up about Four feet or so ABOVE me and 
>my wife's ( Leeann's ) bodies.........During this time I was mystified 
>I'm completely out of my body but can see everything, in the room......about 
>that time while I was trying to understand what was going on-- GOD  ( somehow 
>showed me ------Flashed it before me---Houses, Cars and large bank accounts or 
>statements. Then in a loud clear voice, He spoke to my mind saying ( what does 
>it all mean now??? )  I was so light and free of pain or feeling of Earth's 
>gravity. (  I felt so good it's hard to describe )  Then I said ( means 
>! your more important than Anything in the whole wide world ! )  At that point 
>he spoke again saying.....see that's what I've been trying to tell or show 
>Then very swiftly as if he by his hand or some force shoved me back into my 
>!!!.  As soon as I was in my body again, I felt very very heavy feeling pain 
>gravity's pull once again. ( I know some of you will think I'm a nut or Crazy) 
>but I do not mind at all....I  just feel he wants me to tell someone ( anyone 
>about this REAL experience from time to time.  My Wife Leeann believes me and 
>said she wishes God would show or give her a unique experience sometime 
>also.     With love, Dan H.  C-6  15- Plus years post. St. louis Area.
From: Todd <>
>To: "" <>
>Cc: quad-list <>
>Sent: Sat, August 25, 2012 5:50:35 PM
>Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. Being a quad
>7.  We can still have children. My boy turned 9 last month. 
>On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:47 PM, wrote:
>Hey Guys, how about something positive. There are some good things about being 
>>1. Good parking (most of the time)
>>2. You meet kind people
>>3. You know more about technology than most.
>>4.  You don't wear out shoes too fast...haha
>>5. People like to sleep with you because we don't toss and turn all 
>>6. Know the best television shows
>>C,mon add your own, funny or not.
>>But most important Bobbie,  I learned that there truly is a God, and I am 
>>blessed even as a frickin' Quad
>>Fuck the shit "It could be worse crap!"     As long as there are quads living 
>>this world .… then that is PROOF that there in NO FUCKING god
>>Sent from my iPad
>>On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:54 AM, Larry Willis <> wrote:
>>The old adage that "It could be worse" is so very true. However, that doesn't 
>>mean we shouldn't grieve our loss or vent our frustrations. All of us on the 
>>list drew the short straw and I imagine all of us get mad as hell over the 
>>unfairness of it all. I appreciate the little movement I have but I don't 
>>blessed because some other poor soul is in worse shape. Quadom is a bit of 
>>that simply varies in degree. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (if I had 
>>one). Thanks, my friends, for letting me rant. Have a great day.
>>>Sent from my iPad
>>>Begin forwarded message:
>>>>From: "Joan Anglin" <>
>>>>Date: August 25, 2012 12:10:30 AM EDT
>>>>To: "'Toby Ausbun'" <>, <>
>>>>Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list.  Being a quad
>>Hi Toby 
>>>I didn’t take it as complaining but more as a statement of fact and wishing 
>>>more.  We have been talking about our limitations and frustrations for many 
>>>years for some of us on this list.
>>>I only have shoulder shrugs as a C4 complete, but do know of other C4 
>>>that have more.  So we use what we can and learn to make do and have shared 
>>>unusual fixes and adaptions over the years which have helped each other.  
>>>is one place we can whine and know that somebody out there has been in the 
>>>spot and can have some empathy for what we have and what we have lost.
>>>I have always wished for one arm and a somewhat working hand, and to heck 
>>>ever walking again because I never need to look for a chair to sit in.  
>>>JEach of 
>>>us wants different things, and each of us mourns about different things but 
>>>we’re all united by our handicaps in some way.  Thank goodness for each of 
>>>Good to see you on the list.
>>>Joan C4 1990 in smoky Reno Nevada due to the California fires

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