A while ago, I started having pain that extended from my left shoulder, up my 
neck, and into my lower left jaw. It would come and go, but seemed to be 
getting more intense. I thought I was developing heart problems and made an 
appointment with my doctor. She did an office exam and scheduled x-rays. I 
would have expected an EKG. She knew what she was doing. It turned out I had 
arthritis starting on my collar bone and shoulder area. 
I then saw a specialist. He looked at my x-rays and told me that I had 
arthritis and by the way it was or where it was, he believed it to be related 
to my extra use of my arms because of my SCI. He suggested trying to use my 
cane less and try to use my arms less with the heavy lifting and using my legs 
more. I could not figure out how to use my arms less when getting out of a 
chair or in and out of bed. 
I carry my cane in my right hand, but in the house, I don't use the cane. I 
furniture walk or I don't hold onto things. So working in the yard walking 
along the chain link fence without my cane. I use the cane for balance and it 
was more of a security blanket. I just felt safe having it in my hands. I got 
to the point that I was confident enough to walk without my cane. Strangely, 
NOT using the cane in my right hand helped my left shoulder calm down.
Now, I try to avoid using my cane. I will use my walker, delux model with a 
seat, if I have to go out or I hold onto my husband if I need to. Otherwise, I 
ony leave the house when I am having a great day.
SO after all that, the pain might not be what you think it is. As another 
poster replied that if ibuprofen and heat don't help, then you might want to 
see a doctor.

"Scars remind of us where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we are 
~David Rossi of Criminal Minds

 From: Todd Daugherty <todd.daughe...@gmail.com>
To: quad list <quad-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 8:55 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Shoulder pain

I am C6 inc functionally and use a manual chair always.  I am transferring 
in/out of a low Honda civic a few times daily, taking chair apart, etc.  I have 
not fallen but recently injured my shoulder somehow.  I have a piercing pain 
behind my shoulder blade that extends into my neck, and down the side of my arm 
to my elbow.  The pain down the side of my arm feels like a pulled tricep or 
deltoid.  I can still do daily activities with some pain, but when it comes to 
putting all my weight on it to transfer (from a low to high place), it is weak, 
painful and sometimes gives out mid-transfer.  Could an ER diagnose something 
like this or should I see a specialist?  It has been staying the same and not 
getting better over 2 weeks, using ibuprofen and heat.  


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