I have my "crooked" days when I am unable to be straight. I tend to lean to the 
left. My doctor said it is caused by pain, pinched nerve, or muscle weakness. 
He thinks that I wear myself out. I have to sit on a heating pad because the 
spot is low on my back. I take Advil to help with pain and inflamation and that 
seems to help me.
Your situation sounds much more severe than what I have to deal with, so it may 
be something totally different. 

"Scars remind of us where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we are 
going." ~David Rossi of Criminal Minds

 From: Larry Willis <lwillis82...@msn.com>  
Hey guys. For the last year I have noticed that I am leaning to the left. In 
the past month it has got worse. Now I have to physically hold myself upright 
or I go tumbling leftward. As you might expect, it is really affecting my 
ability to drive, or to do anything for that matter. Anyone have an idea what 
the cause might be? I sleep on my left side as well. Thanks.

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