Tried Prep H, even prescription strength and it didn’t help L  I sure dread it 
but something has to give!


From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 12:22 PM
Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] question


Wow, Nicki. I wish I could answer both questions for you, but I can't. I have a 
bout with 'roids every now and then. Some Prep H usually helps a great deal. I 
wish you and your friend the best. God bless.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: "nichole rohling" <>
Date: November 11, 2012 11:19:21 AM EST
To: "Quad-List@Eskimo. Com <mailto:Quad-List@Eskimo.%20Com> " 
Subject: [QUAD-L] question

Dear friends


I have a friend who has been battling cancer for several years and is losing 
her healthcare coverage dec 31.  she asked if I knew anything about the 
President’s healthcare plan but I do not.  Does anyone know any info I could 
pass along? we tried looking it up but have found mainly opinions and we need 


also, i’ve asked before if any of you have had to have surgery for hemorrhoids. 
 I am to the point of having to have my caregiver push 2 back in every day and 
they are only getting worse.  they are causing major sweating.  would 
appreciate feedback on recovery time, how long would I have to stay in bed and 
not use my shower chair, etc


thank you all so much


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