The Advocacy Unit at my CIL (where I work) had a hardon over this legislation. 
Disability? Check. Rights? Check. Legislation? Check. What's not to like?! We 
got an office email directing us to call a list of Senators immediately, 
demanding they vote yes on this treaty. 
I'm a person with a disability. I care about equal rights for people with 
disabilities all around the world. I was outraged anybody could be against such 
things!! I started to pick up the phone, per my office directive. BUT, first, I 
did a little research on this treaty and I'm glad I did.
The intent of this treaty sounds noble and worthwhile. But like so many things 
in life, the devil is in the details. Spend a few hours reading the pros and 
cons of this international treaty and you will see it's not the slam-dunk win 
for PWDs that the title suggests. I had enough doubts about it that, in the 
end, I couldn't support it. But, don't take my word--do your own research on it.
I'm a registered Independent that voted for candidates from both parties in the 
last election. I can tell you it's not just Republicans that don't trust the 
U.N. This is an agency that once had Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi chairing 
its council on human rights. The UN's stated purpose is to bring all countries 
of the world together to work for peace and development... They've been doing a 
bang-up job (pun intended.) I wish we would take the billions we waste on this 
ineffective organization and put it toward something productive, say orthopedic 
shoes for Big Bird?
Anyhow, that's my take on things and I'm willing to bet I might be wrong. :)
“If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then 
someone, somewhere is making a penny.” -Steven Wright

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