I visited my uro not long ago and I explained to him a mucous type
residue/sludge in my bag (have had indwelling cath for almost 15 yrs) 

he said it was pretty normal for someone who has an indwelling cath for
extended amount of time

mine isn't blocking cath (knock on wood) but I'm fairly sure I have a
bladder stone that contributes to the oddities I have occurring right now...

I had so much blood in my urine one day it clotted in my cath and was long
and stringy 




From: gah17...@aol.com [mailto:gah17...@aol.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 11:29 AM
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [QUAD-L] Foley blocking


Hi All,


I have a friend with an indwelling foley that blocks with long

stringy mucus.  No infection.


Any ideas?



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