Is either of your parent's deceased?
I think the age is 21,. If injured before you are 21, when a parent passes you 
can receive Disability from their SS.
Once the other passes you can switch to which ever has the better SS.
Not sure how it is if you are working and have SS.
I was injured at age 17 and was working, but did not have enough credits to 
qualify for Disability.
Not sure of the exact rules, but that's how I got it.

> It it possible to apply for benefits while I am still employed and
> use the next 9 months as my trial period? I was injured at 17, am
> 40 now, work currently full time and have never received benefits
> Social
> Security work incentives at a glance
> Trial  work period—The trial work period allows you to test your
> ability to work for at least nine months. During your trial work
> period, you  will receive your full Social Security benefits
> regardless of how much you are  earning as long as you report your
> work activity and you continue to have a  disabling impairment. In
> 2013,  a trial work month is any month in which your total earnings
> are  over $750, or if  you are self-employed, you earn more than
> $750 (after expenses) or work more  than 80 hours in your own
> business. The trial work period continues until you  have worked
> nine months within a 60-month period.

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