do i need a prescription for propantheline? i feel it's worth a try....i'd try 
anything to rid me of this discomfort. thanks
 Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 17:16:46 +0000
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] please help!

Carla, Propantheline is a must for sweating.......get some. It will give you 
hella cotton mouth but worth it for most of us. Dysreflxia is a weird thing. i 
had a major attack the other night after having heartburn.....I thought I was 
going to die, my head was pounding, sweating etc. Could you be in pain? Try 
taking a pain pill, if the sweating stops temporarily then you will know that 
is the problem. Good luck to you, I can totally relate.


From: "Carla Aarssen" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:16:27 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] please help!

i'm a c5 quad female, 33yrs old, 11years post injury and about a yr ago i 
started sweating profusely 90% of the day, doesn't matter the temp of air, 
sometimes i feel cold while sweating, i have goose flesh and sweat like i'm 
running in the desert (i wish,lol) i spent a month in hospital oly to be told i 
was "full of shit" pardon my french ...i'd have to change my bowel routine from 
3x a week to daily and clean out....well, it seemed to me i continued to sweat 
for quite some time and it just mostly subsided but almost exactly 1yr later 
it's happening again, sweat is rolling down my neck right now....the dr's are 
not taking me seriously....i am no longer "full of shit"...what else can it be? 
it's not foley cath works fine....any ideas? 
anyone ever hear of propantheline bromide?                                      

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