You cant keep letting this woman use you and your husband. She is not a 
child...........if the vans broke you stay home until its fixed. Asking to help 
once or twice is acceptable, more than that is taking advantage of the 
situation. If I recall, this woman also uses Pete to be her shovel bitch all 
winter without a thank you. Disabled or not she needs some lessons in common 

 From: Gmail <>
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:28 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Dawn and her van

Hi All,
       There is another young girl here a Quad C67, Dawn, who is having a lot 
of problems with her van. The ramp part of her minivan is not working properly 
so whenever she goes out she… Slam down to the ground, Then she calls my Pete 
and asks him to lift the ramp up to so she can close the door. She is going to 
be getting this ramp fixed Tuesday next week, But insists on continuing to go 
out and use the ramp and the van.
   Pete and I have talked to her till we are blue in the face about not using 
the van or the ramp because by using it she is going to make the ramp worse. 
  How do Pete and I help, or not help, these 2 ladies who are in need?

Sent from my iPad

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