Thank you for the information, I love cottage cheese and red pears. It is  
also a good salad dressing. I also like yogurt and I know it has protein.  
There's a yogurt drink I like called kerr and if the liquid form. I don't 
know  how it compares to Greek yogurt that you can drink it which is 
convenient. I  drink ensure with MiraLax and fresh blueberries every day. It is 
good and  very easy. I've I frozen blueberries.

In a message dated 1/27/2014 8:09:09 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I  had a similar wound, at one time about the size of a baseball, and over 
a year  or so he healed completely. One additional tip: lots of protein. I 
was  surprised to learn that the number one source of protein is cottage 
cheese (at  least on the list from the rehab facility…). 
I  told my wife I needed more protein, and requested that she bring me a 
prime  rib steak once a week. I don’t know if the steak helped, but it didn’t 
Over  time, the wound was reduced in size to less than the size of a 
marble, and it  seemed to take forever to eventually close up. 
From:  [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:10  PM
Subject:  Re: [QUAD-L] Misc.

Same place I had my  sore. The wound vac. made it worse. The only way to 
heal it is to keep off it  completely. It took  me 6 months but it did heal. I 
would go to the wound clinic once a week. It  was so slow but it worked. I 
still keep off it when I can, but now that it is  healed I am up most of the 
day and I use a roho in my chair all the time. The  clinic always said to 
eat lots of protein. I tried not to eat big meals and I  did loose weight and 
when hungry I ate a few almonds.  I hope this  helps.  Rose

In a  message dated 1/22/2014 8:29:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_lwillis821@yahoo.com_ (   writes:

I  made the comment several months ago that Jim Lubin was a hell of a man. 
I  think my point is proven. Jim, I wish I had half your willpower and  
Regarding a wound vac, they work great if you can keep them  sealed. I have 
a sore on my tailbone that won't heal. It's right at the top  of my butt 
crack though, and it's just impossible to seal across the valley.  All 
suggestions welcome.

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