Ooops.  I meant to say  BOTOX....
Best Wishes
In a message dated 2/7/2014 8:43:24 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Did you find a solution for bladder atrophy and the bladder  wrapping 
around the catheter?

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Quadius <_quadius@gmail.com_ 
( > wrote:

I had some problems with pain and AD whenever I've had my suprapubic. I  
found that a lot of the problems were occurring because the catheter was  
rubbing against the back of the bladder. Have you tried tethering the  catheter 
to your belly so that it doesn't slide into the bladder too far?  You might 
also have a problem with bladder atrophy. Mine was pretty severe  and it 
would happen at least once or twice a day that the catheter would  stop 
draining  because the bladder had wrapped around the  catheter.


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