Until our entire population is willing to admit that Global Warming is  
alive and doing its dirty deed, nothing will be done.  Some corporate  experts 
have been denying the fact that Global Warming has taken over and  leading 
the population to promote NOTHING.  Its about a 50/50 split.   When we as a 
population are all willing to admit that there is a problem, only  then will 
we as a national demand corrective actions.  It all begins with  admission.  
Until then, it will continue to grow and get worse....
Best Wishes
In a message dated 2/15/2014 1:50:45 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
scamper2...@att.net writes:

Ya  I agree, I think mother nature might have a touch of demensha. Here in 
Calif.  where 70% of the fresh produce is grown for the United States, we're 
in the  worst drought in more then 100 years, we're at about 21% of normal 
after two  previous years of less then normal rain/snow fall.  If we had 
just half  the rain and snow that is falling where it's way to much we'd be 
over  joyed.  Please pray that we get lots of rain and snow in the next two  

 From:  Dana Wray <daa...@aol.com>
To: Gmail  <bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com> 
Cc: quad-list  <quad-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 10:52  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 12"  of snow here in New Jersey

Wow That is way too much  snow!

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 14, 2014, at 2:23 PM,  Gmail <_bobbiehumphreys7@gmail.com_ 
(mailto:bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com) >  wrote:

> Yesterday we got 12" of snow that was on top of 8" already  threre. 
Saturday were going to get 3-5" MORE!!!!
> Bobbie.   Northren New Jersey
> Smile  Everyday

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