You can make some natural dirt using food scraps and coffee grounds, mixed  
with soil.
They is also a recycled dirt produced by your local sanitation  department. 
 Here its referred to as Nature's Gold. Solid waste that  was processed, 
oven dried and sanitized.  Farmers here are allowed to use  it in their fields.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/18/2014 10:10:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I  use a number of different methods, most of them raised gardens or 
homemade  Earth Boxes (I got the instructions through Tomatoville) and wood 
boxes  for potatoes, and also do straw baleing. Our ground grows mostly 
rocks and  sagebrush, which is not conducive to a good garden. I also have an 
8X24 foot  hoop house as well as our newest acquisition 12X16 greenhouse 
where we were  able to grow cool weather crops all winter with minimal heat. 
Gardening tends  to be a passion with me, but I have to admit that I am rather 
glad when  October gets here and we cut back on the outdoor work that is 
involved.  Joan 
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March  18, 2014 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  45th Anniversary!

That  is so kewl and I wish more would get involved.  We use Earth Boxes 
for  the smaller Veggies and the ground for the larger  ones.

Best  Wishes

In a  message dated 3/18/2014 1:45:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_poajoan@sbcglobal.net_ (   writes:

Thanks.  We have cut back this year, last year we started 800 tomatoes, 500 
peppers,  and 200 eggplant plus numerous other veggies. We do quite a few 
hot peppers  for some hot pepper enthusiasts who have yearly contests for the 
hottest  peppers. We usually grow 60-70 tomato plants ourselves and 40 
pepper plants  all different varieties, and then we can our own salsa, pickles 
and cetera.  Keeps everything from being boring JJoan 
From:  _wheelchair@aol.com_ (  
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 5:12 AM
To: _poajoan@sbcglobal.net_ ( ; 
_nlg52352@yahoo.com_ ( ; _lwillis82153@gmail.com_ 
( ; _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 
Subject:  Re: [QUAD-L] 45th Anniversary!

That  is so kewl Joan.  I am envious of your natural talent.  What are  you 
growing?  Are you watering or using  soakers?

Best  Wishes

In  a message dated 3/17/2014 10:02:23 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_poajoan@sbcglobal.net_ (   writes:

Happy  belated. Just keep it in high gear and then the years seem to fly, I’
m  only 23 years a quad, but will be 75 in a couple of weeks and I’m not 
sure  how to keep up with everything I want to do. But I do try to enjoy  
something special each day, making somebody laugh unexpectedly (like the  
orthopedic Dr. who came into the ER and said to his two brand new nurses  “this 
a C4 quad, she broke her leg, this might be the only time you  will observe 
this so pay attention”) and was laughing like it was the best  joke of the 
I’m  enjoying the master gardeners program through the University of Nevada 
and  am trying to develop some good ideas for raised gardening that will 
work  for our dry, dry Nevada weather. We just started 1000 seeds for our  
seedling business this spring, and the hardest part was deciding which  ones I 
wanted to grow and having to eliminate some of my favorites. So the  next 
nine weeks will be very busy. Luckily two of the grandkids like to  help of. 
Enjoy  showing this year, I really miss the show circuit, will see if the  
youngest granddaughter likes to show and ride horses-she is just four and  
so far it’s a go. Joan 
From:  Nan []  
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 9:13 AM
To: Larry  Willis; _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject:  Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] 45th Anniversary!

I  hear ya Larry.  I have experienced all those things and more.  It is 
overwhelming at times.  I've been given antidepressants  and sought therapy at 
times - especially after the 18 month period when my  Ex told me he was gay, 
my father died and my mother followed.  I  don''t know why I keep going - 
there's something within me that won't let  me give up.  So, I'll keep it in 
high gear ... and you'd better keep  trying to catch up!

On  Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:42 PM, Larry Willis <_lwillis82153@gmail.com_ 
( >  wrote:
Congrats, Nan!  You better keep it in high gear cause I'm catching up with 
you! This is my  43rd. I don't know about you, but every year gets harder 
and harder. More  pain, pot gut, 
shoulder joints, bladder, stomach, sores,  depression, constipation, and 
the list goes on. Combine that with the  passing of parents, family, and 
friends and quad life is nearly  overwhelming. 

-------  Forwarded message ----------
From: Naomi Hudson <_ladynotes@aol.com_ ( >
Date:  Sunday, March 16, 2014
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 45th Anniversary!
To:  _DAANOO@aol.com_ ( ,  _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 

Nan, Happy 45th Anniversary. I know  for us it's a great feat to make it 
another year. I hope you enjoyed your  anniversary I wish you many more. 
Have a Blessed Day,  Naomi
-----Original  Message-----
From: DAANOO <_DAANOO@aol.com_ ( >
To:  nlg52352 <_nlg52352@yahoo.com_ ( >;  
quad-list <_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( >
Sent:  Fri, Mar 14, 2014 1:55 pm
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 45th  Anniversary! 


In  a message dated 6/7/2013 10:15:02 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_nlg52352@yahoo.com_ (   writes:

First,  congrats to those of you who have made it longer than I.  It's a  
real accomplishment!

I  was going to write earlier but got knee deep in filling out entry forms  
& copying documents for the next horse show.  I did celebrate  with a big 
bowl of soft chocolate ice cream!  Then a mandatory tilt  for a couple of 
hours, and now on to you  all.
All  I can say is...  Hooray!  I made it another  year!!!!!!!!!

45  years post
C5/6  Complete
Trampoline/Pool  slide accident  6/7/68

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