forget what she "should have done". how long have u had it? & y can't it b 
returned? hat does case-manager say?
Patricia L. B 

while adding years to your life, add life to your years
On Monday, April 28, 2014 11:16 AM, Don Smith <> wrote:
I think voc. rehab should have been the one to handle things and they should 
help you replace the vehicle that your case worker purchased for you with the 
grant money.  You didn't mention where the grant came from or who the case 
worker is worker is employed by, but you should have been evaluated to see what 
type of vehicle was needed for you before it was purchased.  It sounds like 
your case worker may not give a care.  What state are you in?

 From: Nadeana Halamar <>
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 5:05 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] transportation

im a 31 one year old 7 yrs a quad and single mother. I have gotten myself in 
trouble being my own advocate. i only have one caseworker and one homehealth 
agency left that will take my case. ( im a difficult case) i guess. neway they 
know this so i have to take their crap. i had recieved a grant for a van that i 
could get converted so i could get around. i trusted my caseworker with it and 
the vehicle she got cant be converted. im going through voc rehab for drivers 
training, but now i have a vehicle im paying insurance on and cant do anything 
with it. i dont know what to do i cant have a car payment i only make 720 a mo. 
anyone know who i can get in touch with

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