The problem with Capital Punishment is it does not do what it was intended to do... Deterrence.
It sure doesn't do that. It costs more money than staying in prison for life. All ways of doing it seams barbaric. But I still was for it on extreme crimes. Until I find out how many people have been found innocent after years on death row. How many dead innocent people would have been murdered by the state if they were killed, a year, 10 years, 25 years, after the crime. Let alone 1 month.
Even eye witness crimes were found to be wrong sometimes.
Who knows how many innocents have been killed over the years. Pre DNA and after. Not all innocent people will be cleared by DNA.
    Just hearing some of the immoral ways the poor have been defended. Just recently I saw a case where the public defender slept though a lot of the case. Never investigated it. The judge refused a mistral, and refuse to have the state pay for a DNA test. Many years after he was found guilty and put on death row. Luckily he found an anti death penalty group that took on his case.
Even after the group paid for the DNA test and found he was innocent, the prosecutor and judge refused to look into the case. "Knowing he was guilty" Finely a higher court let him go.
    30 days... As a country, how many innocent people being killed will we except as just collateral damage before it's too many. And how will we know how to count them?
> The problem with turning criminals into quadriplegics is then the
> state would have to hire people to take care of them. The best
> thing to do with murderers is to give them swift justice which
> includes a trial by jury, then carry out the sentence within 30
> days. Many times people that are convicted of murder and sentenced
> to death are still alive 15 yrs later. Ive even heard they have a

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