I was waiting for Pete to bring my van around in front of Walgreen's. While I 
was waiting I noticed this guy in a mini-van staring still me. So Pete parks 
right in front of the guy (not knowing he was there). I open the lift, with him 
watching every single move, and I back onto the lift, but get stuck. I was so 
preoccupied by this guy watching me/us. Pete spent about 5 minutes trying to 
get me un-stuck. The guy that was watching ... did NOTHING to help or offer to 
help, he just stared. I was so tempted to give him the "jerk off" signal since 
my hands are in a closed position.    Bobbie 

Smile Everyday

> On Jun 15, 2014, at 3:51 AM, RONALD L PRACHT <r.pra...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I personally go up and down as to how I handle being paralyzed. Sometimes I 
> do wonderful, then I will hit a stretch, usually in winter that Im down and 
> have a hard time pulling out. When I was in school and going to the ymca to 
> swim, my moods were much better and more leveled out.
> The worst part at least for me about being paralyzed is the bowell routines. 
> I get so tired of living my life around that. Another thing I cant stand is 
> walking people that snub me or treat me less than human just because I use a 
> chair. I live in a neighborhood that has a three mile oval. Ive been around 
> this oval hundreds of times either in my chair or my handcycle. Some people 
> are my friends others wont even look at me . The worst ones are those that 
> you see hide in their garage to avoid you then come back out when you pass. 
> What I do sometimes is stop in front of their house and get my water bottle 
> out and take a break. Then they have to stay in hiding for a long time!! Its 
> amazing how many people out there are passive aggressive as well. Everyday is 
> a holiday.
> Ron 
> On Saturday, June 14, 2014 2:52 PM, Gmail <bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> AB's of all sorts wish they could do what another AB can do or have. The 
> grass is ALWAYS greener no matter if it's physical, emotional or financial.
> YOU must be proud of who you are, what you have, where you've been.
> When I was down and out, my sister pointed out to me ALL of my 
> accomplishments and my mental strength and patients.
> Bobbie 
> Smile Everyday
>> On Jun 14, 2014, at 2:50 AM, RONALD L PRACHT <r.pra...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> Everybody is jealous of somebody. The c1 just wants to breath on his own. 
>> The c4 has dreams of self transferring. The c5 wishes he could push a manual 
>> chair faster and up hills. The c7 wishes he had just a little more to 
>> perform all the tasks of a bowell routine. The t4 wants more ab control. The 
>> t12 wishes he could urinate on his own. The l1 wishes he could feel his 
>> penis. The guy that can stand and shuffle wishes he could walk. The guy that 
>> can walk a little wishes he could run. The man that runs wishes he had the 
>> guts to ask his dream girl out. The guy with the dream girl wishes he had 
>> more time to himself.
>> The meaning of what Im saying is life is a gift and is short. Thousands of 
>> people die everyday. Thirty five thousand people die in car accidents every 
>> year. Thirty thousand people commit suicide each year. Ten thousand are 
>> paralyzed each year. All of this just in the united states.
>> Try to do what you can with what you have left. Comparing yourself to others 
>> will bring you misery. If you do one thing each day to improve yourself, it 
>> will amount to something b4 you know it.
>> Ron
>> On Saturday, June 14, 2014 1:05 AM, Danny Espinoza 
>> <da...@immortaldesigns.co> wrote:
>> *jealous of those of you who have enough function to handcycle
>> -Danny
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Dreams
>> From: RONALD L PRACHT <r.pra...@sbcglobal.net>
>> Date: Fri, June 13, 2014 8:04 pm
>> To: "quad-list@eskimo.com" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
>> Another drug that works well to calm you and wont hurt you is lorezapam. You 
>> can take a 1mg pill and it helps out a lot.
>> I have dealt with the crazy dreams at night. When Im experiencing pain or 
>> when im dysreflexic from needing to urinate my dreams get more intense.
>> One more thing to add is activity during the day to wear you out helps you 
>> sleep. Obviously your level of function depends on how much you can wear 
>> yourself out. When I wheel my chair at least a mile or attach my handcycle 
>> and do a few miles Im in a better mood, less pain and sleep better. Each 
>> person can probally figure some activity to tire themselves out, maybe a 
>> handcycle on a table like at rehab or have some 20 min routine you do with 
>> moving your arms or a light freeweight attached to a cuff. 
>> There is a guy on youtube that sets up basic simple workout routines for 
>> people in chairs that require very little. I set  goal for myself of 30 
>> miles each month on my attachable rio dragonfly handcycle. I document the 
>> miles and write it all down. It helps my mind and the pain from my syrinx 
>> and hernia.
>> Good luck
>> Ron 
>> On Friday, June 13, 2014 8:23 PM, Quadius <quad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have been having a similar problem, but not as often. I usually have it a 
>> couple of times a night. I have found putting my TV on a timer and listening 
>> to a historical-based documentary has helped me get to sleep without having 
>> these terrible dreams. If they keep up, I might consider asking for 
>> medication.
>> Quadius
>> On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 8:20 PM, Larry Willis <lwillis82...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Panic attacks. About four years ago I began having them at night. Not as 
>> frequent as yours, but I still felt like I was going to explode. It was 
>> horrible. My doc gave me a small dose of Xanax to take at bedtime. I haven't 
>> had one since. Good luck.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: greg <g...@eskimo.com>
>> Date: Friday, June 13, 2014
>> Subject: [QUAD-L] Dreams
>> To: quad-list@eskimo.com
>> For weeks now I've been waking up every few hours, with panic dreams. My 
>> heart is racing, pounding. My breathing is heavy, and I feel like I need to 
>> get up. I haven't changed meds or anything. If it was just waking up in the 
>> morning like that I could handle it, but it's like 5 times a night. Often I 
>> think I can't breath. Other times I'm getting chased by a mob, etc. I'm so 
>> tired.
>> Greg

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