Call DOL Secretary Tom Perez    
More Info

Tell him to delay Companionship Exemption Regulations until 2016.
ADAPT's Workforce Workgroup is asking for Disability Advocates across the 
country to call Department of Labor Secretary, Tom Perez, today.

You only need to call once but then get ALL YOUR FRIENDS to join in the fun 
(really, get everybody you know to give him a call!).

The message is short and simple:

"Hello Tom (Perez, Secretary of Labor). I am calling to ask you to delay the
implementation of the Final Regulations on the Companionship Exemption for
eighteen months in order to allow time to finish studying the long term
implications and results. Thank you."


"Hey Tom, delay the Companionship Exemption Regs until July 2016. Thanks."

Call directly to a human person at the Department of Labor Chief of Staff at

At some point, calls will go directly to voicemail, try the DOL's 
Administrative Office at

Thanks to all the fine ADAPTers out there and as always...

David Wittie, Workforce Workgroup Co-Chair
For more information on why we are asking Secretary Perez to do this, 
 If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please click here. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 18, 2014, at 11:40 AM, "Dave Sutliff-Atias" <> wrote:
> Call DOL Secretary Tom Perez  
> More Info
> Tell him to delay Companionship Exemption Regulations until 2016.
> ADAPT's Workforce Workgroup is asking for Disability Advocates across the 
> country to call Department of Labor Secretary, Tom Perez, today.
> You only need to call once but then get ALL YOUR FRIENDS to join in the fun 
> (really, get everybody you know to give him a call!).
> The message is short and simple:
> "Hello Tom (Perez, Secretary of Labor). I am calling to ask you to delay the
> implementation of the Final Regulations on the Companionship Exemption for
> eighteen months in order to allow time to finish studying the long term
> implications and results. Thank you."
> OR;
> "Hey Tom, delay the Companionship Exemption Regs until July 2016. Thanks."
> Call directly to a human person at the Department of Labor Chief of Staff at
> 202-693-6007.
> At some point, calls will go directly to voicemail, try the DOL's 
> Administrative Office at
> 202-693-6000).
> Thanks to all the fine ADAPTers out there and as always...
> David Wittie, Workforce Workgroup Co-Chair
> For more information on why we are asking Secretary Perez to do this, visit 
>  If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please click here. 

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