I think this is a great idea Ben.  I seem to remember that New  Mobility 
did the same thing 4-5 years ago with much success.  Good Luck  with the 
Best Wishes
In a message dated 6/19/2014 2:45:22 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
bmatt...@earthlink.net writes:

Hi everyone  – 
For a book  about "inter-enabled" couples (long-term relationships in which 
one member has  a permanent disability and the other doesn't), I'm looking 
for sources to  interview by phone and/or email.  Ideally, both members of 
the  relationship would participate, but at this point I'd be happy to 
interview  individuals too, if necessary. 
Please note  that I'm a quad myself, though from a genetic neurological 
disability, not a  SCI, and I've been married to a nondisabled woman for 24 
years.  Issues I  hope to explore include: 
reactions from  your parents and friends 
dividing  household chores 
aging and  changing health 
Thanks very  much in advance.  And please feel free to share this wherever  
appropriate.  I think there is a good book here, and so does my agent,  but 
I need to gather enough info to put together a solid pitch for  publishers. 
_www.BenMattlin.com_ (http://www.benmattlin.com/)  
_www.MiracleBoyGrowsUp.com_ (http://www.miracleboygrowsup.com/)  

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