I read about quad stuff all the time and a fact found interesting was 30 
percent of quadriplegics never accept or learn to deal with their injury. What 
that means is they essentially survive. When I was in court the experts that 
set up care packages for quads told me I would be dead in 20 yrs. Its clear im 
going to make them a liar on that. 

One more thing I would like to say about being married and a quad. I know 
several quads that either were married at the time of injury or got married 
after. I have had the opportunity to marry twice since my injury myself but 
held up. What stopped me from getting married was I saw the writing on the wall 
that I was going to be controlled, taken advantage of and set up potentially 
for a cycle of abuse. Once you leave your family and get married your potential 
marriage partner can easily take your social security money, put you in a room 
and slowly put you exactly where they want. Once you get in such a situation it 
can be hard to get out of. Basically some of these slick people out there get 
you to burn your family ties , move you away and the only way out then is to go 
to a nursing home and start from scratch. 

Sure there are some out there that have a legitimate marriage that works, but 
many are fooling themselves or not telling the truth. When someone knows you 
need them for some sort of care most people will abuse that in some way or 
another. You have to be very careful as a disabled individual and marriage. 
Being lonely sometimes is better than living with a person that's found an 
angle to get by and you are it.............


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