That is a good idea as we forget each other stories. At least I do. Not  
everyone has told their stories.

you did not say if he was alive  or living in a nursing home. I don't think 
Missouri has very good care because  of what a fellow quad list member told 
me, as she has passed. I know another guy  in Kansas City, Missouri Also 
died because of lack of care. I'm really proud of  you for helping him Ron. It 
is so sad. They were both great people. One I used  to call frequently 
until she had no phone after nursing home. I had left a  message on apartment 
phone and. Her mother had given me her cell phone so I  could check on her., 
But when I tried to call the mother's cell phone, the  number no one work. I 
did not know her mother's maiden name. The man that came  to the hospital to 
talk to you about using a ventilator. I definitely decided I  did not want 
one he was a peer for the whole person..

In a message dated 7/3/2014 5:29:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Yeah, we should get a story day going on here, lol, we could all tell the  
good, the bad the ugly or odd. ;-)  Dan H.** 

On Thursday, July 3,  2014 4:47 PM, "" 
<>  wrote:

Kewl Ron.  We need more stories like that.... and I'm sure you have  a 
million of them.
Best Wishes
In a the and faith then a message dated 7/3/2014 1:34:14 P.M. Central  
Daylight Time, writes:
I was involved in a swim organization for the disabled and met this  
paraplegic man back in 2003. We became friends pretty quickly and I gave him  
the knowledge I knew to help him get going. I helped him find a decent  
chevy fullsize wheelchair van. The guy lit up and we were going to  hooters and 
the casino and having a lot of laughs. It was truly imspiring to  see the 
man excel and meet the challeges in his way. A few years went by and  he had 
some setbacks, then he developed a pressure sore which led to weight  gain 
which led to a power chair which led to a colostomy bag which led to  the end 
of driving which led to bedbound. I didn't hear from him for 6  months, I 
finally contacted his brother on the net to ask where he was. He  wouldn't 
tell me and I knew in my heart that only meant one  
thing.....................nursing home. My buddy eventually called me and  said 
his mom and brother put 
him in a nursing home 30 miles away. Hes laying  flat on his back and never 
gets out of bed for any reason. His power chair  is down the hall 
somewhere. Maybe I was wrong but I sent a few words to his  brother that I 
have. The guy was tough and a boxer in his younger  days. Hes around 55 if 
your interested to know. He just didn't have the  support he needed, his 
mother was 84, but I helped them adapt a roll in  shower and a small kitchen in 
their basement. He was paying a hundred bucks  a day for assistance towards 
the end of it.

A funny story about him was he took his wheelchair van down to the  ghetto 
of St. Louis to try to find a date. The girl got in his van and stole  his 
black bag he uses for catherization supplies.......lololol.

The thing that was beautiful is that he as living life but  unfortunately 
now hes not because of a lack of  support.................sad

Im  going to try to write a small story I have experienced in quad life 
every  thurs.


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