I was paralyzed from 1991 to present. I got into a car accident in 1991 from 
driving while intoxicated and thought I was being followed by a police officer 
and was starring in my mirror not watching were I was going and my right front 
wheel went off the road and caught a driveway culvert type driveway,I was only 
driving 30 mph and wasn't wearing my seatbelt and hit my head and broke my neck 
between c4 c5 vertebrates witch left me paralyzed from my shoulder down ,no use 
of my arms either, moral of the story the doctors gave me five yrs to live and 
I celebrated 23yrs ago on last Memorial Day weekend, so always were your 
seatbelt because life can change in a split second and change your life 
completely and if I wouldn't of been drinking I would of never had put myself 
in that perdicament!!!! Weather your drinking or not were your seatbelt at all 
times it can make a life changing moment In a split second!!!!! Just thought 
I'd share my story not one I'm very proud of but if wearing your seatbelt can 
save your life and your lifestyle. You have to live everyday as it's your last 
and I try and do things that I can say that's the first time I've done that!! 
Live life to it's fullest everyday because you have to because u never know 
when your last day on this earth is. I've been through a lot of surgeries for 
pressure soars, bowl obstruction, on a ventilation for 3 months not being able 
to talk or show anyone what I mean to say,VERY FRUSTRATING but am still happy 
to be alive today even have gone threw all that life is short, live each day 
like a new beginning you'll be a happier person in the long run, that's what I 
think but everyone is different and I'm sure struggle with their own 
problems!!! All I can say is their has been lots of times I've like to have 
died but am thankful to still be alive today. God Bless you the people of the 
quad list!!! 

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> On Jul 10, 2014, at 5:34 PM, Quadius <quad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I often wonder if the people who throw themselves off buildings or bridges 
> change their mind halfway down. Thanks for a good story.
>> On Thursday, July 10, 2014, Danny Hearn <ddh...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> Some years ago I was out driving in my power wheelchair and feeling sorry 
>> for my mizerable quad life-style, well I went down by the railroad tracks 
>> not far from my home, I said I hope I just get stuck in the middle of the 
>> train tracks and the next train ends my suffering !  Well I cross those 
>> tracks almost daily, but a bad storm had loosened up all the gravel in the 
>> tracks and low and behold my chair sunk in and spun deeper and deeper into 
>> the middle of the tracks...after a while I began to panic because a train 
>> was due in about 10 minutes or so....I began to think--why oh why did I say 
>> I wanted to die on the tracks?? How stupid of me, I'm not ready to die just 
>> yet ! I began to pray...lord help me get out of here and i'll not talk 
>> foolish again. Then I began yelling help ! help me ! as loud as I could 
>> because the area was pretty deserted back then, To my good fortune a man 
>> over a quarter mile away was out working on his truck...He thought he heard 
>> someone yelling help -but could see no-one in sight, so he went inside and 
>> got his binoculars...he then told his wife..honey am I seeing things on the 
>> railroad tracks? she looked thru the binoculars and said, heck no- there is 
>> a man in a wheelchair yelling and waving his arms!! Well to sum it up he 
>> jumped in his truck and hurried to me and pulled me out.I was very thankful 
>> and he said if I had not been out working on my truck, we would never have 
>> heard you. I was relieved and thankful and have lived many years since that 
>> incident.  Dan H***

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