Said they would not help???? What kind of outfit is this, Danny? I believe
a bit of publicity via a letter to the paper is in order. Let them explain
themselves to the public.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Danny Espinoza* <>
Date: Friday, July 25, 2014
Subject: [QUAD-L] update /pain
To: Larry Willis <>,

They said they wouldnt help... I ended up changing to get it done at the
hospital tomorrow instead of that imaging center.


 -------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] update /pain
From: "Larry Willis" <
Date: Fri, July 25, 2014 4:23 am
To: <

Danny, don't they have a couple of aides who can lift you onto the table?
That's what I always do. Whatever you do, I wish you all the best. Chronic
pain can simply wipe you out. Good luck and God bless, my friend. Stay
strong. Larry

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* "Danny Espinoza" <
*Date:* July 24, 2014 at 10:10:19 AM EDT
*Subject:* *[QUAD-L] update /pain*

So... I've been hurting consistantlly and when I spoke to my dr he felt a
mass on my arm and ordered an ultrasound. We got the results back and they
said they didnt see anything which my Dr then ordered an MRI for this
friday. When I called I asked if they had a lift or if I needed to bring my
own which they replied sorry we will not allow you to do that on our
property. So now I'm going to attempt to bring a sliding board and
hopefully they wont have an issue wiith it.
I really hope we figure this out soon because the constant  and horrible
pain is starting to get to me and constantly taking my Vicoprophen and
barely being able to to get any rest/sleep because of the pain has got to
be tough on my body...
Has anyone else experienced extreme pain like this in their back and found
an answer to the problem?
I sleep in a fully adjustsble hospital bed with a rotating low air loss
mattress and I do full range of motion twice per day. I'm really not sure
whats going on and was curious if any other quads have had anything similar
go on and what they did to get it to stop.


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